
June 4, 2017 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Beeley Village Hall, Beeley, Derbys DE4 2NR

Within yoga, self-reflection is called svadhyaya: “study” (adhyaya) of the “self” (sva). As one of the eight limbs described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, this practice of self-study refers to both the understanding of the self through the study of sacred texts, and the skill of self-observation that leads to yoga or unification. In your yoga practice, svadhyaya helps you observe moment-to-moment changes in your body and mind. How are you feeling in your body? Is your mind present? What thoughts draw your mind away? Applying svadhyaya to yoga postures is a way of connecting to the truth within yourself.

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6 June 2017 workshop flyer